Faculty Forms
Faculty and Academic Resources has compiled the following new hire forms and documents.
If you need additional assistance locating the appropriate form, please contact Faculty and Academic Resources at 512.245.2786 or by email at FacultyResources@txstate.edu.
Faculty Log and Required Notices
Faculty and GTA/DTA Logs
New/rehire faculty, new benefits eligible faculty, and new/rehire teaching assistants should be added to the Faculty and GTA/DTA Logs as positions are accepted. The department/school administrative assistant can access the log through SharePoint.
(Note: Access has been provided to all Senior Admin and Admin III)
Required Notices
New Employee Notices | Important notices for new employees required by law.
Hiring Packet Checklists
PeopleAdmin - Faculty Packet Checklists
- PeopleAdmin - New Faculty Packet Checklist | Used to assist supervisors in collecting required paperwork for faculty hired through the Applicant Tracking System.
- PeopleAdmin - Rehired Faculty Packet Checklist | Used to assist supervisors in collecting required paperwork for faculty rehired through the Applicant Tracking System. This checklist should not be used if faculty member has been separated more than 10 years.
- PeopleAdmin - Converted Faculty Checklist | Used to assist supervisors in collecting required paperwork for current faculty moving to new Tenure Line Faculty or Nontenure Line Faculty position via the Applicant Tracking System.
- PeopleAdmin - Postdoctoral Scholar Packet Checklist | Used to assist supervisors in collecting required paperwork for postdoctoral scholars hired through the Applicant Tracking System.
- PeopleAdmin - Program Faculty Packet Checklist | Used to assist supervisors in collecting required paperwork for program faculty hired through the Applicant Tracking System.
Graduate/Doctoral Teaching Assistant (GTA/DTA) Packet Checklist
GTA/DTA Packet Checklist | Used to assist supervisors in collecting required paperwork for graduate/doctoral teaching assistants.
Graduate/Doctorate Assistant (Instructional, Research, and Non-Exempt) Packet Checklist
Appropriate Checklists for the following rehires: Graduate/Doctorate Assistants: Instructional, Research and Non-Exempt.
Graduate/Doctorate Assistant (Instructional, Research, and Non-Exempt) Packet Checklist | Used to assist supervisors in collecting required paperwork for all new graduate/doctoral assistants, with the exclusion of teaching assistants.
Rehire Graduate/Doctorate Assistant (Instructional, Research, and Non-Exempt) Packet Checklist | Used to assist supervisors in collecting required paperwork for rehired graduate/doctoral assistants, with the exclusion of teaching assistants.
Contracting Forms and Conditions
Faculty Contract Offer Recommendation
Faculty Contract Offer Recommendation | Used for initial and subsequent appointments for graduate and doctoral teaching assistants; employment for faculty members who are to be appointed on an FTE basis with a monthly salary rate; and when converting per course faculty to an appointment on an FTE basis.
Per Course Faculty Contract
Per Course Faculty Contract | Used for all per course appointments, both initial and subsequent. Per Course faculty are limited to teaching two 3-4 hour classes per semester. The only exception is the addition of one University Seminar (US1100) class section to those two classes per semester.
Contract Conditions
- Contract Conditions FY26 | To be used for faculty who require special conditions of employment.
- Contract Conditions FY27 | To be used for faculty who require special conditions of employment.
Faculty Salary Calculator
Faculty Salary Calculator (TXST Login Required)
New Faculty Hiring Forms
Authorization for Employee Moving Allowances
Authorization for Employee Moving Allowances | Used to obtain authorization for payment of an employee moving allowance. UPPS 03.01.22
Graduate Teaching Appointment Employment Application
Graduate Teaching Appointment Employment Application | Application for employment for graduate appointments.
GTA/DTA Criminal Background Consent Form
Background Check Request or Background Check Batch Request | Used to obtain applicant approval for the faculty background check. Required for all new/rehired GTA/DTA faculty. AA/PPS 04.01.10
Completed request should be sent to talent@txstate.edu.
English Proficiency Form
English Proficiency Form | Used to report evidence of compliance with clear English standards. Required for all new faculty and teaching assistants. AA/PPS 04.01.11
Texas State Vita
Texas State Vita and Texas State Vita (With Fine Arts Components) | Standardized Texas State Vita or Texas State Vita (With Fine Arts Components) format. AA/PPS 04.02.20
Faculty Telephone Reference Check Form
Faculty Telephone Reference Check | Used to complete telephone reference check for faculty selected for hire.
Transcript Guidelines for Faculty
Guidelines for Accepting Transcripts
Guidelines for Accepting Transcripts | Used to guide new faculty members through the process of requesting electronic transcripts and certified evaluation of foreign transcript and/or documents from foreign universities.
Transcripts and certified evaluations should be mailed to Texas State University, Faculty and Academic Resources, Attn: Beth Koen, 601 University Drive, San Marcos, TX 78666 or sent electronically to eak15@txstate.edu per the Guidelines for Accepting Transcripts.
Note: Official transcripts from all degree granting institutions must be submitted to comply with credentialing guidelines from the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC).
Ordering Transcripts via Parchment
Parchment Guide for Electronic Transcripts | Used by faculty to ensure electronic transcripts requested via Parchment are sent directly to Faculty and Academic Resources.
Export Control Forms
Postdoctoral Scholar Export Control Screening
Postdoctoral Scholar Export Control Screening Request | Used to obtain export control screening for postdoctoral scholar.
Request for Approval of Visiting Scholar and Export Control Screening
Request for Approval of Visiting Scholar and Export Control Screening | Used to requests authorization to enter into an agreement with a Visiting Scholar.
Faculty-Authored Teaching and Instructional Material
AA/PPS No. 02.03.30
Authorization to Prescribe Materials Authored by Faculty Members of Texas State for Class Use
Authorization to Prescribe Materials Authored by Faculty Members of Texas State for Class Use | Used to request authorization to prescribe materials authored by faculty members of Texas State for class use.
AA/PPS No. 04.02.32
Faculty Grievance Form
Faculty Grievance Form | Used by faculty to file a grievance.
Faculty Incentive for Externally-Funded Sponsored Programs
UPPS No. 02.02.04
Faculty Incentive Types
During the fall and spring semesters, the university implements two types of incentive programs: 1) research incentive with instructional workload buyout and 2) research incentive with no workload adjustment.
Instructional Workload Buyout | Used by faculty to secure instructional workload buyout incentives.
No Workload Adjustment | Used by faculty to secure no workload adjustment incentives.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Nomination Form
Distinguished Professor Emeritus Nomination Form | Used to nominate a faculty member for the Distinguished Professor Emeritus title.
AA/PPS 04.02.10, Performance Evaluation of Continuing Faculty and Post-Tenure Review
Electronic PCR
New Position Data Form
New Position Data Form | Used to create a new positions in SAP (Graduate Students, Faculty, NSNRs, and Student Workers).
Faculty PCR Document Naming Convention
Faculty PCR Document Naming Convention | All support documents must be attached electronically to the E-PCR, using the correct naming convention.
Faculty and Graduate Student Employee Personal Data Form
Faculty and Graduate Student Employee Personal Data Form | To be used at time of onboarding for the purpose of submitting employees personal data.
I-9 Completion and E-Verify Validation
I-9 Completion and E-Verify Validation | Link to HireRight to initiate Form I-9.
I-9 List of Acceptable Documents
I-9 List of Acceptable Documents | Documents a new employee must provide to prove eligibility to work in the United States.
Graduate Student PCRs
Graduate Assistant Eligibility Checklist for Processing Electronic PCRs
Graduate Assistant Eligibility Checklist for Processing Electronic PCRs | A guide for preparing and submitting PCR's for grad students.
Graduate Student Insurance Enrollment Information
Graduate Student Insurance Enrollment Information | Notice to graduate students of insurance eligibility criteria.
Graduate Student Insurance Eligibility Acknowledgement
Graduate Student Insurance Eligibility Acknowledgement | For graduate students to sign acknowledging notice of eligibility. Applicable for 50% FTE appointments.
Selective Service Verification
Male hires between the ages of 18-25 are required to submit proof of Selective Service. Military Selective Service Act
- Go to http://www.sss.gov
- Locate the "Check A Registration" link
- Print a copy of the online verification of "Proof of Selective Service Registration"
Almost all men age 18-25 who are U.S. citizens or are immigrants living in the U.S. are required to be registered with Selective Service.
Men in the U.S. on student, visitor, or diplomatic visas and women are not required to register. For other exemptions please the Who Must Register chart.
Direct Deposit Enrollment Instructions
Direct Deposit Enrollment | The Direct Deposit Enrollment form will be used by the Office of Payroll and Tax Compliance for in-person requests for enrollment, changes or to cancel direct deposit in the. Current employees can enroll in direct deposit via SAP Portal.
Current employees:
- Log into SAP Portal
- Click “My Personal Profile” in the Payroll-Benefits section
- Click the pencil icon to the right of "Main Bank" (on the right side of your name).
- Enter your routing and account number as follows:
- Bank Routing Number: Nine-digit number
- Account Type: 01 for Checking or 02 for Savings
- Account Number: Your bank account # (usually 10-12 digits)
- Payment Method: Change to "Bank Transfer (ACH PPD)
- Valid as of: Today
- Existing Account (for validation)
- DO NOT reenter account number, please read instructions below.
- New Enrollment: If you are not currently signed up for direct deposit, please delete the question marks and leave space empty.
- Changing Account Information: If you are updating to a new bank account, you must enter your old account number here.
- Save your information
- Click "Save" or "Save and Back". You should see a green box with a check mark stating, "Data saved successfully".
Salary Spread Election Form
Salary Spread Election | Used for employees with a nine-month appointment that are eligible to spread their salary over the 12 month fiscal year. The election form must be signed before the first day of class for the fall semester.
- Salary Spread Simulation Tool - this tool allows you to estimate the impact to gross take-home pay if you choose to elect salary spread.
W-2 Electronic Election Form
Election for Online W-2 Form | Used to elect to receive the w-2 electronically.
Stipend Request
Personal Information Updates
Personal Data and Address Change Form
Personal Data and Address Change Form | Request an update to employee name or address.
Employee Self-Reporting
Outside Employment and Activities
Dual employment documentation is required for any outside employment or activity. Outside Employment and Activities UPPS 04.04.06
Current employees:
- Log into SAP Portal
- Select “Other Self Service”
- Select "Self-Reporting for Outside Employment"
- Complete online form
Report Relatives Working at Texas State
Nepotism and Related Employment UPPS 04.04.07
Current employees:
- Log into SAP Portal
- Select “Other Self Service”
- Select "Self-Reporting of Relatives"
- Complete your certification by
- Entering all relatives who work in your same division, including student workers; or
- Indicating you have none.
After your initial certification, you must report any changes as they occur.
Employees who hold the SAP security role of 'Department Head' have access to run a status report for employees in their department. Instructions for Department Head Report of Relatives Reported by Employees.
Faculty Qualifications and Employment Justification
SACSCOC Faculty Credentials Guidelines
Employment Justification Form
Employment Justification Form | Used to demonstrate outstanding professional experience and contributions to the teaching discipline and may be presented in lieu of formal academic credentials.
Academic Program Coordinators
AA/PPS No. 04.01.25
Academic Program Coordinator Appointment Form
Academic Program Coordinator Appointment Form | For each degree program, the academically qualified faculty member responsible for ensuring that each program contains essential curricular components, has appropriate content and pedagogy, maintains currency in the field, and reflects decisions of the faculty affiliated with the degree program.
Please note: saved progress is stored within the Dynamic Forms website. Please visit the website to access your form.
Development Leave and Fellowships
Faculty Fellowship Opportunities
Planning Tool: Faculty Fellowship Opportunities | Each faculty member considering a fellowship is required to utilize this planning tool and discuss the opportunity with the department chair/school director before submitting an application. AA/PPS 04.01.32
Faculty Development Leave
Faculty Development Leave | Enables tenured faculty members to accomplish work not possible at the home institution or concurrent with normal duties. The Texas Legislature established a program of faculty development leave "to improve further the higher education available to the [students] at the state-supported colleges and universities and to establish this program of faculty development leaves as part of the plan of compensation for the faculty of these colleges and universities." AA/PPS 04.02.02
Faculty Senate Program Information
Application: Faculty Requests portal
Change Form: Faculty Development Leave Change Form
Final Report Form: Development Leave Final Report Form
Please note: saved progress is stored within the Dynamic Forms website. Please visit the website to access your form.
Notice of Resignation for Faculty
Retirement Notification
Salaried Employee Departmental Checklist for Separating Employees (paid monthly)
Salaried Employee Departmental Checklist for Separating Employees | Submit this form to Human Resources for all separating staff, faculty and graduate students paid monthly.
Faculty Access to Academic Personnel File
Faculty Access to Academic Personnel Files
AA/PPS 04.02.31, Faculty Access to Academic Personnel Files, describes the procedures for faculty to review their academic personnel files. After completing a review, the Faculty Academic Personnel File Review Form is signed by the faculty member and maintained by the office that provided the file.
Faculty Retention Offer Request Form
Faculty Retention Offer Request Form | The Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs at Texas State University is committed to an effective program of faculty retention, including appropriate and competitive salary compensation. Deans, school directors, and department chairs are encouraged to develop practices for retaining high-performing faculty. Beyond salary, there are many other factors that affect faculty retention. However, it may be necessary to consider a salary retention offer for a valued faculty member. Please reference the faculty retention and salary guidelines available here before submitting this request.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know which contract form to use?
Contract Offer Recommendation Form: The Contract Offer Recommendation Form is used for (1) initial employment for new faculty members who are to be appointed on an FTE basis with a monthly salary rate; and (2) when converting per course faculty to an appointment on an FTE basis. This form is never used for graduate or doctoral students or per course faculty.
Contracting of Temporary Faculty Form: The Contracting of Temporary Faculty Form is used for (1) initial and subsequent appointments for graduate and doctoral teaching assistants, (2) continuing contracts for all faculty who are not tenured or on tenure track even if they are in the department budget; and (3) subsequent phased retirement faculty appointments.
Per Course Faculty Contracting Form: The Per Course Faculty Contracting Form is used for all per course appointments, both initial and subsequent. Per Course faculty are limited to teaching 2 classes per semester. -
What is the difference between a percent faculty appointment and a per course faculty appointment?
Percent faculty are required to meet classes, hold regular office hours, and participate in committee, research/service, and scholarly activities in accordance with departmental guidelines based upon the percentage of the appointment.
Per course faculty are required to meet classes and hold regular office hours. -
When is the title of Program Faculty appropriate?
Program Faculty: The title of Program Faculty is appropriate 1) when the faculty member is performing duties other than regular teaching duties, or 2) when an employee is hired for a specific duty and is not the teacher of record but must have faculty credentials to fill the position. Those appointed as Program Faculty do not receive contracts because they are not teachers of record.
Program Faculty can be appointed in paid or non-paid positions. The department chair determines the appropriate type of appointment. Regardless of the type of position (paid or non-paid), a current vitae and the original transcript of the highest degree conferred must be included in the hiring packet for all individuals appointed as Program Faculty. This policy has been implemented in order for us to verify credentials and to comply with SACSCOC requirements.
Questions regarding Program Faculty appointments should be addressed to Brendan Scott at 5-8378 or bs1123. -
Are official transcripts required?
Yes. The Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges Principles of Accreditation specifically states that we must keep on file, for all teachers of record, documentation of academic preparation. Official transcripts from all degree granting institutions are required to complete a faculty member’s hiring packet.
What approval is necessary when full-time staff teach classes?
Staff may teach one (1) regular class per each long semester on campus during normal working hours with supervisory approval as well as concurrence from the divisional vice president. Staff may not be compensated for teaching this class, unless the employee uses vacation, compensatory time or flex time to cover the teaching hours or the supervisor modifies the employee's work schedule around the hours spent teaching. In addition to the three-hour or four-hour class noted above, an exempt staff member may also teach one one-hour section of University Seminar subject to the same schedule adjustment provisions. Account manager approval and written documentation as to how work hours are to be made up must be submitted with the contracting documents and PCR. Refer to UPPS 04.04.11 for additional information.
Staff who teach are required to provide to the department all documents needed for a faculty hiring packet.